Ramadan and working out

There’s no reason to stop working out during Ramadan, while fitness is necessary for the body it also needs to be controlled during Ramadan. The fact that body goes through thirst and hunger through the day means that we have to controls our diets first before we can even think about going to the gym.

It is never a good idea to work out during fasting hours, the best time to work out is actually after the isha prayers and once you’ve had your dinner. The reason why it is not recommended to work out while you’re fasting , even if it a light work out is due to the fact that the body is being deprived of certain proteins and carbs that are used to create energy.


Working out will quickly deplete that supply of energy that we get from our last meal at Suhoor and also burn the protein that’s needed in an effective workout. Therefore exercising during fasting is a very dangerous matter for your health and can lead to more serious issues.


It is a myth that working out during faster hours make you lose more calories and burn more fat. That fact is not true since while you’re fasting there isn’t much fat to burn as already being burned by your body to keep your body functioning throughout the day. So if you do plan to workout it should be after Iftar and your diet should contain Iftar meals should consist of only one carbohydrate, with protein-rich foods to counteract lean muscle loss.


So the best time indeed to go to the gym and work out during Ramadan is after Iftar, to be exact almost 3 hours after you’ve broken your fast. This ensures that the food you’ve had is digested and that your energy levels are back to normal. In addition to working out after iftar it is also recommended that you should drink 2.5 liters of water between Iftar and going to sleep, to prevent dehydration.


Overall its important to keep your body in great shape by controlling your diets before you can even start to worry about going to the gym for your daily workout.

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