Vitamin D supplements might be the answer to losing weight

As the world is now nearing tens of millions of obese people, new research has come up with an amazing and unusual find. An Italian Team at the University of Milan has discovered that obese patients who are lacking vitamin D are the ones most prone to being obese.


What has been more shocking is the fact that those taking supplements to battle the Vitamin D deficiency through supplements have lost weight and overcome their deficiency. The study took place with 400 over weight and obese candidates, they were put on low calorie diets and further split into 3 groups. One group took no Vitamin D supplements, the other group took either 25,000 internation units (IU) per month of Vitamin D or 100,000 UI.


After six months both groups that were taking supplements had lost more weight than those not taking supplements. It was seen that Vitamin D supplements aiding the weight loss efforts of the patients in the program. Dr. Christopher Ochner who is professional nutritionist also added that those who are looking to lose weight should not jump onto Vitamin D supplements unless they really need it. He said that only those who are deficient in Vitamin D should take it to overcome the deficiency rather than use it as a quick way to lose weight.


Dr. Ochner also added that low calorie diets were still the best way to lose weight and taking unnecessary supplements could do more harm than good. It is also suggested that the best way to get Vitamin D is by getting out in the sun at least once or twice a week rather than directly resort to supplements which should only be taken when the need is severe.

Obesity is the leading cause of back pain


Obesity is quickly becoming the leading cause for chronic pain. The current lifestyle changes that people go through due to easy access to fast food and conveniences are only adding to the obesity numbers year after year. This in turn is also increasing the number of cases of patients coming in with back pain issues at very young ages.


The American Obesity Association reports that musculoskeletal pain and back pain are now very common amongst nearly one third of the people that are classified as obese. More and more obese people now complain that they feel less able to complete everyday activities than those with other chronic conditions.


The reason obese people face more back pain pressure is due to the body having to compensate for the extra weight, which causes the spine to become tilted and stressed unevenly. As a result of that the spin over time starts to lose its support and forms an unnatural curvature, which has adverse and painful effects on the body especially while carrying out day-to-day activities.


The most common danger from obesity to the spine and joints is a herniated disc. This is when discs and other spinal structures are damaged from having to compensate for the pressure extra weight on the back.


Overall the only way to comeback back pain due to obesity is weight loss and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The effects of obesity only get worse over time and its important for those who are overweight to act upon it in their young age rather than later.