How do we retain energy during our fasting in Ramadan?

How to keep your energy during Ramadan 

Ramadan is just around the corner and it’s important for us as Muslims to understand the effects of fasting on our bodies, as well as the overall benefits that our bodies gain from it. While most people consider that fasting is the quick way of losing weight and cutting down on obesity they are not aware of how well structured fasting is biologically.

First and foremost the changes that place in our body when we fast only start to take place after 8 hours from the last meal. Therefore the length of the fast is what drives the body to change its energy source. The primary source of energy in the first 8 hours after our last meal is the nutrients from the food we eat, after the body has consumed the energy that came from that food there is a switch over.


In a normal state (non-fasting) the body glucose, which is stored in our muscles and liver, is what we use for energy. In a state of fasting this energy is usually used up very quickly and the body switches to using the fat in the body as energy, therefore the weight loss effects. If we were to fast even longer our bodies would then start using the protein our bodies for energy but since we break our fast at dawn the process resets before it can even reach that phase.


Overall the gentle transition from using glucose to fat as energy helps prevent the breakdown of muscle. The timings of dusk to dawn also work in our bodies favor coupled with prayer help us not only lose weight but also refresh our energy.


In addition the TIMEZ5 physiological mat is the perfect companion for prayers during fasting as it provides a energy boost, so even when you’ve body has run out energy TIMEZ5 physiological mat is able to provide that essential energy boost to keep you going after every prayer.

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