52% of Muslims have knee pain.
Learn how to overcome knee pain in 60 seconds at home.
health, wellness, and meditiation
Reducing knee pain is not easy to do. With our hectic daily lives, our knees take on a beating. From taking stairs to bending down to picking up a pencil. Often we take our known for granted and don’t spend enough time taking care of us.
Knee pain is especially an issue for those who meditate or have knee pain while praying. 52% of those who pray suffer from some acute of chronic knee pain while meditating or praying. About 13% of those people with knee problems seek professional medical treatment. Knee pain treatment isn’t enough.
Knee pain exercises aren’t sufficient either. A holistic approach a requires the natural, physical and meditative approach to healing knee pain. Knee pain when bending is the time when most people experience knee issues especially when meditating or praying.
Meditation and prayer though are excellent for the knees. It’s usually the daily activities and bad lifestyle habits that impact our knee pain.
This blog is designed to give you a 360-degree view on knee pain. Knee pain not just about knee pain exercises but also knee pain treatments. Both medical and self-healing knee pain treatments. The best approach for most is finding a balance between good food, good exercise and proper medication where needed.
It is important when using the TIMEZ5 blog also to consult your medical professional. Aside from that, TIMEZ5 has been working with medical professionals globally in physical therapy, chiropractors, and surgeons. Through much research, the TIMEZ5 prayer mat has been adopted by the Medical community as a tool to help rehabilitate knee pain and other knee issues. The TIMEZ5 prayer mat is commonly used after a sports injury or workplace trauma or surgery.
Knee pain is not something that should be taken lightly by someone with an acute or chronic knee issue. Several other psychical issues can arise from knee pain.
52% of Muslims have knee pain.
Learn how to overcome knee pain in 60 seconds at home.
Knee pain is one of the most common chronic pain types for adults. It unavoidable in some cases as its caused by wear and tear over time to the knees due to day to day activities and for some its caused do to being overweight or taking part in strenuous activities. Below are some exercises that can help temporarily relieve knee pain.
Step-Ups Using an aerobic step bench or a staircase, step up onto the step with your right foot. Tap your left foot on the top of the step, and then lower. As you step up, your knee should be directly over your ankle. Repeat with your left foot.
Partial Squats Stand about 12 inches away from the front of a chair with your feet about hip width apart and your toes forward. Bending at the hips, slowly lower yourself halfway down to the chair. Keep your abs tight, and check that your knees stay behind your toes.
Hamstring Stretch Lie on your back with your left leg flat on the floor. Loop a towel or rope around your right foot and pull your leg as far as comfortable toward your chest, while keeping a slight bend at the knee. Keep your back pressed to the floor throughout the stretch. Hold for 10 to 30 seconds and then release. Repeat three or four times with each leg. Do this stretch five or six times a week.
Straight-Leg Raises Sit with your back against a wall, left leg straight and right leg bent with your foot flat on the floor. Slowly raise your left leg straight up about 12 inches off the floor. Hold, then slowly lower. Repeat with your right leg.
Short-Arc Knee Extensions In the same starting position as the straight-leg raises, put a ball (about the size of a basketball) under your left knee so that your leg is bent. Slowly straighten your leg. Hold, then slowly lower. Repeat with your right leg.
Universitly of Leeds researchers have found that climbing up steps could be an early sign of knee osteoarthritis (OA).
It is an actual proven fact that climbing stairs puts more pressure on the knees than regular walking and over time climbing steps can have an adverse effect on your knees. While knee osteoarthritis (OA) usually takes place in adults over the age of 40, the symptoms can show up earlier for some who play high impact sports and have had previous knee injuries.
In order to protect your knees from further damage and to stay away from the more serious knee osteoarthritis (OA), doctors recommend that you modift your physical activities. If you have to climb to many steps on a daily basis its best to find a place, which is on a lower level to cut down on climbing. Lastly continuing to do low impact physical activities are the best alternative to overcome OA instead of going for more expensive physiotherapy sessions
Most adults suffer from knee pain, it isn’t just caused due to sports but also due to the daily grind. The wear and tear for the knee is inevitable even for the healthiest people.
The center for disease control (CDC) states that nearly 1 in 2 people may develop symptomatic knee osteoarthritis by the age of 85. Some of the most common means to combat this knee pain type and many others is physical therapy, surgery and strong medications. All three of which do not provide any guarantees of pain relief over the long run.
A recent discovery though is changing this, founded by specialist Dr. Halland Chen in New York. The iovera system is a revolutionary new way to help those who suffer from chronic knee pain. Dr. Chen states that iovera therapy harnesses the power of focus cold therapy which is a game changer in the industry.
How it works is through a handheld device with nitrous oxide canisters to freeze short needle probes to negative 126 degrees. The injected needles then spread the nitrous oxide which kills away the targeted sensory nerves around the knee, these nerves completely stop them from sending pain signals thus eliminating the pain instantly.
While this is a short term solution as it only stops the pain from shooting up the nerves, it is still deemed as one of the most effective and quickest ways to get patients moving on with their daily lives. The fact that it isn’t permanent like surgery also means that it isn’t harmful to your health.
One of Dr. Chen’s patients has gone 3 months without any knee pain and says that its improved his lifestyle by a great amount. The iovera treatment is definitely a promising breakthrough in the medical industry and a much needed one especially for those who constantly suffer from knee pain and want to steer away from surgery or painful physical therapy.