Ramadan to-do list.

With Ramadan being just a week away, its important to make sure that we as muslims are in check for doing all things good. The holy month calls for our devotion to making good deeds and acts of kindness and then carrying on forth these same acts 365 days a year. Below is our to-do list for Ramadan, feel free to add on to it in the comments section:

Meet new people and build relationships:

Ramadan is not just about your devotion to god but also how you connect with other Muslims. It’s the perfect time to meet other Muslims and even your family that you’ve been out of touch with. Spend some time after prayers conversing about Sunnah with people around you at the mosque or once a week sit down with the poor during iftar and converse with them to appreciate the hardships they go through.


Be a volunteer:

The best form of charity is helping others and there’s no better way to help than to volunteer during Ramadan. There are many initiatives that provide meals to the poor during Ramadan and require an extra hand distributing food, you can also volunteer at the local charity to help them out with their weekly tasks.


Don’t be materialistic or waste time:

Ramadan is the holy month, yes consumerism is all around us but try to keep away from over spending on things that you don’t need just because they were on sale. Ramadan TV specials and food tents should be the last thing on your list of things to do when you could spend the same time reading Quran or helping someone in need. Use your time wisely and in the way of good.


Improve yourself:

Ramadan is the month of forgiveness and also a great way of turning a new leaf in your life. If there are things that you can reflect on and change in your life this could be the best time for you to start. Being honest with yourself is first thing to lead a better life as a muslim and making that change for the better leads to a greater reward in Ramadan.

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