Why Mothers Are The Most Productive Members Of Society

Even with the best of intentions, we sometimes view the importance of mothers in very narrow terms. We know they love us, provide us with unconditional support, and are always there when we need them. However, we also occasionally forget just how meaningful they are to society.


What Mothers Mean To Society

In terms of how mothers impact the world, there are two levels you are going to want to consider. The first is on the emotional level. The second would be on the rational level, which involves social and economic impacts.


With all of those things, keep in mind the following:


  • They have inspired modern feminism: While the battle for inclusionary feminism continues, there is no question that the current concept of feminism owes a massive debt to our mothers. After all, these were the women who worked within and served to define the Women’s Movement of the 1960’s and 1970’s.
  • They are contributing to greater and greater portions of the workplace: On a social/economic level, there is no question that mothers are bringing a lot to the table, even if the wage gap continues to be problematic. From 1975 to 2013, the number of mothers in the workplace rose from 47.4% to 70.3%. Perhaps even more extraordinary, more than half of the working mothers
  • in the United States are doing so while raising a child under the age of one.
  • Mothers are in all aspects of our lives: While there is still a great deal of work that needs to be done, in terms of true equality, there is no question that mothers exist in more aspects of society than ever before. Mothers now work within high levels of government, within high levels of the judicial system, and within high levels of the corporate world.
  • Mothers shape individuals: Even in this day and age, mothers continue to develop stronger and deeper bonds with their children than with anyone else. This means that mothers continue to be the ones who largely shape the perceptions and behaviors of their children.
  • The numbers are getting better: The number of mothers in such roles as university presidents and female CEOs is increasing all the time.


These are just a few of the ways in which mothers positively impact our lives and out society. Think about your own mother, and then consider everything she has ever taught you. You can then apply that to the decisions you’ve made throughout the course of your life.


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