Women are praying more than men? The rise of Muslim Women consumers

Who prayer more, men or women?

So who prayer’s more, men or women? At TIMEZ5 labs we continuously conduct multiple levels on Muslim consumers and especially on Muslim Women consumers.   So we developed a basic experiment to determine who is more included to engage in more prayer and prayer-related activities between men and women.

See this infographic that gives us the insights into who prayers more, men or women?


Muslim Women consumers, Who prayers more men or women?



Who prayers more, men or women?


We found that in most instances women pray and engage in more prayer activities than men. This study is not an indicator of spirituality or religious inclination by any means but simply the level of activity conduct.   Furthermore, after asking women why they believed they prayer more than men, they often draw on the following themes:


  1.  Give more time at home even if they are working mothers
  2. Spend more time with family members than men on a daily basis
  3. Spend more time with friends, neighbors than men on weekly basis


In contrast, we found that men were less expressive about their engagement in prayer and prayer activities.   Men were 72% more likely not to elaborate on prayer and prayer-related activities than women. Some of the emerging themes behind their belabors were:


  1. Prayer is a private matter and not to be discussed or shared with others
  2. They put more weight on weekly time increments vs. daily for women
  3. Where less willing to express emptions related to their prayers


All said and done; this is an indicative study design to revealed the different behaviors and attitudes between men and women towards prayer and prayer-related activities.   Through other studies conducting on Muslims, consumers are often; we find that women are more engaging and active. Often their roles are central to family and are the pillars of driving happiness, support and encouragement.


Surprisingly, in contrast to other studies as well, it has been shown that Muslim women consumers are more likely to adopt technology. Most of which was grounded in their attitudes toward quality of life and happiness for their families, community, and society as a whole.

Here are some interesting developments in the area of Muslim Women consumers:


And some major players who have been catering to Muslim Women consumers




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