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Welcome to the TIMEZ5 Blog your sanctuary for health, wellness and medication information. It’s all about being happy and feeling great. Feeling down, not focused or no energy. Don’t despair we all feel this way at moments. Our daily and modern lifestyles take a toll on us. From health to wellness, to our overall mood and how we interact with others.

Taking control is important. Getting the right information is important and ensuring you can practice simple and effective techniques is important. The TIMEZ5 Blog is dedicated to the best quality health, wellness and medication information out there. Our articles are designed to be simple, practical and actionable for our users. Self-healing plays an important part in our health and wellness today.

Through research conducted by TIMEZ5 labs, only 13% of those with a health issue pursue professional medical help. That said, 56% of those who do get medical help do not even entertain using self-healing techniques at all. Self-healing or meditation is not a supplement to medical treatment but rather an enabler that can have the profound impact on your overall health.

As little as 10 minutes a day in meditation, mindfulness or just mental focus practices can help boost your immune system and overall health. There are five main types of meditation to practice, Primordial Sound Meditation, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, Zen, Transcendental Meditation, and Kundalini Yoga, These styles all depend on your outlook, preference and in some cases your belief system. Fundamentally they are performing the same function which is stressing your mind and body.

Mediation helps the overall health and wellness most of which is effective in boosting your immune system and relaxing the mind.

Health and wellness require many aspects including meditation and exercise for knee pain, back pain and neck pain among several other issues we face. Adopting a holistic approach is key in balancing our overall health and wellness including keep happy.

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